Private Dog Training for Dog and Baby Families

Managing a dog and baby at the same time can be challenging, even under the best of circumstances.

Private dog training, tailored to your unique situation, may be the perfect solution for you. It’s a great way to directly address the problems and challenges you’re facing and can offer many benefits for your family, keeping your home calm and safe for everyone. 

However, many of my clients tell me they’ve never worked with a private dog trainer and have no idea how training works. This article will explain private dog training so you have some general information about it.


Problems between dog and baby can come up at any time, often when you least expect them. Here are some of the most common challenges I hear from my dog training clients.  

They tell me their dog is nervous around the baby and seems afraid.

Some say their dog tries to play roughly with the baby. 

The dog jumps on everyone in the family, even when someone is carrying the baby. 

Moms say that when they’re nursing the baby, the dog tries to investigate what they’re doing and it’s distracting and frustrating.

When the baby is crawling or walking, the dog follows her around and sometimes barks or paws at the baby. 

Dog behaviors like these can be annoying and can pose a risk to you or to the baby. After all, who wants a dog jumping on them when they’re carrying a little baby???


Working with a private trainer means you can focus on the specific challenges your family is experiencing.

Teaching your dog to calm, polite behaviors can make a huge difference in the energy level in your home. Besides that, a good trainer will show you how to encourage your dog to become more responsive to you, using positive, reinforcing training methods.


 While the specific behaviors a dog trainer teaches you will vary, depending on what you need, here’s some general information about private dog training.

The trainer will get detailed information about your dog: his age, when adopted, prior training, dog’s reaction to babies and children, your dog’s behavior at home and out in public, and often much more. This information will help the trainer choose the best way to help you and your dog.

Then the trainer will explain how to handle the problems you’re having,  whether through training or management. In both cases, the trainer will guide you in using the most effective and safest methods for training and/or managing your dog. For more information on Management, check out this article:

Training Versus Management - What’s the Difference?

When dog training is the best answer, the trainer should first explain why a particular training technique will be helpful. The trainer will demonstrate with your dog, showing you what to do, and then coach as you learn the process so you become familiar with it. The last step is to set up a schedule for you, outlining when and how to practice with your dog.


When dog and baby problems occur, they can cause a lot of stress for busy parents, as well as for the dog and baby. Reducing that stress will work wonders for you and your family!

For example, teaching a dog to keep all four feet on the floor instead of leaping on you when he’s excited can make a huge difference, keeping your home calm and running smoothly. 

Using effective management techniques to create a calm atmosphere during baby feeding time will enable you to enjoy that special time with your baby. 

And of course it’s always important to keep night time safe. A trainer experienced with dogs and babies can help you determine the best way to make sure your baby stays safe when you’re sound asleep and can’t supervise.


Your dog wants and needs to be a full member of your family. Being part of your family will keep your dog happy, and it will also give him the best opportunity to form a strong, positive bond with your baby. This bond may take time to develop and will become stronger as your baby grows; daily time together will be the basis for a loving relationship that lasts for the rest of your dog’s life. 

If your dog’s reaction to your baby is interfering with their relationship, or causing you stress, consider getting help from a professional dog trainer who can help you solve any problems you’re having with your dog around your baby. When you need help, dog training is an investment in your family’s well being, and an important step in keeping your dog and baby home running smoothly and happily.

Get more tips and stories in my free book Create Harmony at Home: 5 Tips for Raising Babies and Dogs Together. Get your copy here.


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