Work With Jane

From Chaos to Calm with Your Dog and Baby

Custom dog training with Jane can help you when you’re:

🐾 Expecting a baby. Help your dog get ready for your new baby so those first days and weeks go smoothly.

🐾 Introducing your dog to your new baby. Guiding your dog’s behavior as he adjusts to having a baby in the house.

🐾 Managing your dog around crawling babies and toddlers. Homes can become chaotic with a dog and toddler! I’ll help you keep your home calm and peaceful, even with an active baby and a dog!

Problems in Dog and Baby Land?

I can help with a variety of dog behavior and safety issues around your baby:

  1. Nervousness

  2. Demanding attention

  3. Jumping up on people

  4. Excited around visitors

  5. Barking, growling, nipping

Training dogs around babies is a specialty area of dog training, one that requires a trainer who knows not just dogs but babies as well. 

small dog with baby shoes

Custom Dog Training

I’ve been successfully helping families with dogs and children for over 25 years, and I’ll develop a dog training plan just for you and your dog. The plan will be simple for you to follow, spending just 10-15 minutes a day, even if you’re a newbie to dog training.

So schedule a 30-minute free phone call with me, and I’ll listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and explain how to set up a private, in-person consultation with me at your home.

When we meet in person, we’ll talk in more detail, and you can then choose one of three training programs to improve your dog’s behavior so he’ll be more responsive, listen to you better, and be safe around your baby.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly your dog will learn and how fast his behavior will change. You’ll be able to relax, and your home will go from chaos to calm!

“I was skeptical at first about online training, but it felt like Jane was in the room with me and my dog, guiding us.” Laura R.

Book a FREE, 30-Minute Discovery Call with me.

I’ll ask you about your 3 biggest concerns about your dog around your baby.

We’ll review your specific situation and determine if working together will be a good fit for both of us.