Free Dog Games

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7 Games you can play with your dog in five minutes or less - ALL FREE!

  • Easy for you - no dog training experience required.

  • Half of the Games can be played by your dog alone, without you.

  • These simple Games will even help your dog listen to you better

Feeling guilty about putting your dog on the back burner when you’re busy with your baby?

Seeing those sad puppy-dog eyes too often?

No worries…You and your dog can start doing a happy dance right away!

Get the Games!

We respect your privacy and would never sell or share your contact info.


I’m Dog Trainer Jane, 

and I’ve been successfully helping families with dogs and children for over 25 years. These 5-Minute Games will make it a snap for you to give your dog some fun, even while you’re taking care of your baby. Quick and easy!

By the way, the first Game is one you can play with your dog even while you’re changing diapers!